The art of serving

Savoire faire, una collezione di oggetti per la tavola che mescola sapientemente forme altamente contemporanee ai materiali della tradizione.

Caratterizzata da un’eleganza tutta italiana che si esprime attraverso l’arte dell’intreccio, qui reinterpretato attraverso la tintura del midollino. 

Il saper fare artigianale si coniuga indissolubilmente all’arte del servire.

Designed by Pelizzari Studio

The art of serving

Savoir faire, a collection of tableware that expertly mixes highly contemporary forms with traditional materials. It is characterized by an all-Italian elegance that is expressed through the art of weaving, here reinterpreted through the dyeing of the wicker.

Artisan know-how is inextricably combined with the art of serving.

Designed by Pelizzari Studio